Tell your doctor/Pharmacist your medical history of, Bleeding problems, Breathing problems, Kidney problems, Liver problems, Recent heart attack, Problems urinating due to enlarged prostate, Hyperthyroidism, Personal or family history of glaucoma (angle-closure type), Personal or family history of Bipolar disorder, Psychosis, Family history of suicide, Seizures, Brain disease, Alcohol/Sedative withdrawal. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly needed. This medication passes into breast milk and the effect on a nursing infant is unknown. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding.
Tell your doctor/Pharmacist your medical history of, Bleeding problems, Breathing problems, Kidney problems, Liver problems, Recent heart attack, Problems urinating due to enlarged prostate, Hyperthyroidism, Personal or family history of glaucoma (angle-closure type), Personal or family history of Bipolar disorder, Psychosis, Family history of suicide, Seizures, Brain disease, Alcohol/Sedative withdrawal. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly needed. This medication passes into breast milk and the effect on a nursing infant is unknown. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding.
Drowsiness, Dizziness, Dry mouth, Blurred vision, Constipation, or Trouble urinating may occur.