Mydosone eye ointment contains "prednisolone/sulphacetamide" which is an cortisteroid/antibiotic medication used to treat ocular infection and allergic disorders including inflamamtion, redness, etc.
Mydosone eye ointment contains "prednisolone/sulphacetamide" which is an cortisteroid/antibiotic medication used to treat ocular infection and allergic disorders including inflamamtion, redness, etc.
Keep it out of the reach of children. Store it below the room temperature i.e. below 25 degrees Celsius. Consult a doctor if you’re hypersensitive to any of its ingredients. Do not take overdose, always take it in a recommended dose.
Keep it out of the reach of children. Store it below the room temperature i.e. below 25 degrees Celsius. Consult a doctor if you’re hypersensitive to any of its ingredients. Do not take overdose, always take it in a recommended dose.
No side effects are reported yet. However, it may cause adverse reactions in those who are hypersensitive to any of its material.