Tell your doctor/Pharmacist your medical history of, Eye cataracts, Liver disease, History of low white blood cell count caused by medications, Seizure disorder, Trouble swallowing, Thyroid problems, Severe constipation, Bowel obstruction, Ileus, Personal or family history of Diabetes, Personal or family history of Overuse of or addiction to drugs/alcohol, Heart disease, High blood pressure, High cholesterol/Triglyceride levels, Sleep apnea), Difficulty urinating due to enlarged prostate. Since untreated mental/mood problems (such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression) can be a serious condition, do not stop taking this medication unless directed by your doctor.
Tell your doctor/Pharmacist your medical history of, Eye cataracts, Liver disease, History of low white blood cell count caused by medications, Seizure disorder, Trouble swallowing, Thyroid problems, Severe constipation, Bowel obstruction, Ileus, Personal or family history of Diabetes, Personal or family history of Overuse of or addiction to drugs/alcohol, Heart disease, High blood pressure, High cholesterol/Triglyceride levels, Sleep apnea), Difficulty urinating due to enlarged prostate. Since untreated mental/mood problems (such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression) can be a serious condition, do not stop taking this medication unless directed by your doctor.
Constipation, Drowsiness, Upset stomach, Tiredness, Weight gain, Blurred vision, or Dry mouth may occur.