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It is used to prevent heart attacks and strokes in persons with heart disease (recent heart attack), recent stroke, or blood circulation disease (peripheral vascular disease).
It is used to prevent heart attacks and strokes in persons with heart disease (recent heart attack), recent stroke, or blood circulation disease (peripheral vascular disease).
Use with caution having bleeding conditions (such as stomach ulcers, bleeding in the brain/eye), Recent surgery, Serious injury/trauma, Liver disease, Hemophilia.
Easy bleeding or bruising, Stomach upset, Diarrhea and Constipation.
Use with caution having bleeding conditions (such as stomach ulcers, bleeding in the brain/eye), Recent surgery, Serious injury/trauma, Liver disease, Hemophilia.
Easy bleeding or bruising, Stomach upset, Diarrhea and Constipation.
Progrel 75MG Tab 3x10 (L)
Rs. 564.90
Progrel Ap 75/75MG Tab 3x10 (L)
Rs. 575.10
Product Name
Rs. 120
Rs. 120