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Prolifen capsule is marketed by Chiesi Pharmaceuticals. It is available in the product form of capsule 50mg 10's. Clomiphene Citrate is present in it as the active ingredient in its composition. It belongs to the generic medicine category of hormonal products.
Prolifen works by invigorating the ovaries to deliver eggs. It helps to set up pregnancy and maintains it by working on the lining of the uterus. It is also helpful to protect the uterus from the side effects of estrogen that is used to treat the symptoms of postmenopausal.
Some of the profile capsule uses are listed below.
The above list may not contain all the uses of Prolifen Capsule. Therefore, you can contact your pharmacist to know more about the uses of Prolifen Capsule.
Prolifen capsule dosage is based on the medical condition and response to the therapy. Therefore, to take an accurate dosage of prolifen capsules, you should consult your doctor.
Prolifen capsules must be taken by mouth. Most importantly, you should follow the dosing schedule carefully.
This medication is used to treat infertility in women, In PCOS and as an Hormonal Therapy.
Prolifen can interact with other medicine when it is taken with them. Therefore, you should contact your doctor to know about the interactions of the prolifen capsule before taking it. Otherwise, you may suffer from the side interactions side effects.
Following are the contraindication of the Prolifen capsule.
If we discuss the Prolifen Capsule price in Pakistan, then it’s a bad report that it is a little bit expensive medicine than from its alternative brand's medicine such as from Ovi-F tablet, pertil tablet, etc.
Prolifen Capsule availability in Pakistan is both in the online stores and markets. But you should consult your doctor if you want to purchase it from the online store. The reason behind is that the medicine ordered from the online store may contain different amount of ingredient from the medicine suggested by your doctor.
Prolifen capsule is marketed by Chiesi Pharmaceuticals. It is available in the product form of capsule 50mg 10's. Clomiphene Citrate is present in it as the active ingredient in its composition. It belongs to the generic medicine category of hormonal products.
Prolifen works by invigorating the ovaries to deliver eggs. It helps to set up pregnancy and maintains it by working on the lining of the uterus. It is also helpful to protect the uterus from the side effects of estrogen that is used to treat the symptoms of postmenopausal.
Some of the profile capsule uses are listed below.
The above list may not contain all the uses of Prolifen Capsule. Therefore, you can contact your pharmacist to know more about the uses of Prolifen Capsule.
Prolifen capsule dosage is based on the medical condition and response to the therapy. Therefore, to take an accurate dosage of prolifen capsules, you should consult your doctor.
Prolifen capsules must be taken by mouth. Most importantly, you should follow the dosing schedule carefully.
This medication is used to treat infertility in women, In PCOS and as an Hormonal Therapy.
Prolifen can interact with other medicine when it is taken with them. Therefore, you should contact your doctor to know about the interactions of the prolifen capsule before taking it. Otherwise, you may suffer from the side interactions side effects.
Following are the contraindication of the Prolifen capsule.
If we discuss the Prolifen Capsule price in Pakistan, then it’s a bad report that it is a little bit expensive medicine than from its alternative brand's medicine such as from Ovi-F tablet, pertil tablet, etc.
Prolifen Capsule availability in Pakistan is both in the online stores and markets. But you should consult your doctor if you want to purchase it from the online store. The reason behind is that the medicine ordered from the online store may contain different amount of ingredient from the medicine suggested by your doctor.
Prolifen capsule precautions that should be followed to get excellent results are listed below.
Use with caution having Uncontrolled thyroid or adrenal dysfunction, Organic intracranial lesion, Liver disease, Abnormal uterine bleeding , Ovarian cysts/enlargement (not PCOD).
Prolifen capsules can cause some side effects. Some of them can disappear as the body adjust itself to the medicine. But some of them can result severe. Some of the Prolifen side effects are listed below.
Maybe the above list may not contain all of the possible side effects. But, if any of the side effects persist or get worsen, then you should consult your doctor.
Stomach upset, Bloating, Abdominal or Pelvic fullness, Flushing ("hot flashes"), Breast tenderness, Headache, Dizziness.
Prolifen capsule precautions that should be followed to get excellent results are listed below.
Use with caution having Uncontrolled thyroid or adrenal dysfunction, Organic intracranial lesion, Liver disease, Abnormal uterine bleeding , Ovarian cysts/enlargement (not PCOD).
Prolifen capsules can cause some side effects. Some of them can disappear as the body adjust itself to the medicine. But some of them can result severe. Some of the Prolifen side effects are listed below.
Maybe the above list may not contain all of the possible side effects. But, if any of the side effects persist or get worsen, then you should consult your doctor.
Stomach upset, Bloating, Abdominal or Pelvic fullness, Flushing ("hot flashes"), Breast tenderness, Headache, Dizziness.
Prolifen 50MG Cap 1x10 (L)
Rs. 608.40
Product Name
Rs. 120
Rs. 120